Texas Hold’em Poker player wins $3.6 million at Perth casino

A lucky player became an instant millionaire from just $15 poker buy-in at Crown Perth Casino Australia. The stake of $15 turned into a $3.6 million when he pulled off a royal flush claiming Australia’s largest ever casino table jackpot. The winner, who wished to remain anonymous, has broken the casino’s previous Texas Hold’em Poker benchmark by almost one million dollars. A royal flush includes ace, king, queen, jack, and 10 all in the same suit.
Texas Hold’em Poker
Texas Hold’em is currently the most popular variation of poker, where each player is dealt two down (or hole) cards that only they can see. A round of betting occurs. Three community cards (known as the “flop”) are dealt face up in the middle of the table. Then in another round fourth community card (known as the “turn”) is dealt face up on the table. Moving further round a fifth and final community card (known as the “river”) is dealt face up on the table. In final round player’s hole cards are revealed and the player with the best five-card poker hand wins the pot. Your five card hand can consist of none, one, or both of your hole cards along with five, four, or three of the community cards. If two or more players share the same best hand, the pot is divided equally among the winners.
Hand ranking
Poker hands are ranked lowest to highest. Note that only card rank (deuce through ace) matter in poker when comparing individual cards. The suits of clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades are all considered equal.
- High Card: Cards are ranked deuce (2) as the lowest to ace as the highest. If two or more players have the same high card, then the second highest card (and so on, to the fifth card if necessary) determine the winner.
- Pair: A pair (two cards of the same rank) beats high card. The highest pair is a pair of aces. If two or more players have the same pair, then the highest of the three remaining cards (known as kickers) determine the winner.
- Two Pair: Two pair beats a pair. If two or more players have two pair, then the highest pair determines the winner. For example, a pair of aces and fours beats a pair of kings and queens. If two or more players have the same two pair then the fifth card kicker determines the winner.
- Three of a Kind: Three of a kind (three cards of the same rank) beats two pair. Three aces is the best of these. If two or more players share the same three of a kind hand, the two remaining kickers determine the winner.
- Straight: A straight beats three of a kind. A straight is five consecutive card ranks. Aces can be high or low so the lowest straight is ace through five while the highest is ten through ace. There are no kickers with straights since all five cards are needed to make the hand.
- Flush: A flush beats a straight. A flush is any five cards all of the same suit (i.e., all diamonds or all spades, etc.). If two of more players share a flush then the player with the highest card (all the way to the fifth card if necessary) in the flush wins.
- Full House: A full house beats a flush. A full house is the combination of three of a kind and a pair. If two or more players have a full house then the player with the best three of a kind wins. If those are the same then the player with the best pair wins.
- Four of a Kind: Four of a kind (four cards of the same rank) beats a full house. If two or more players share the same four of a kind, then the fifth card kicker determines the winner.
- Straight Flush: A straight flush (five consecutive cards all of the same suit) beats four of a kind. Aces can be high or low. An ace-high straight flush is called a royal flush, the best possible hand in poker.
There are three basic variations of the game: Limit Hold’em, Pot Limit Hold’em and No Limit Hold’em
Poker at Crown Perth
Crown Hold’em is based on traditional Texas Hold’em Poker, and lets you experience the thrill of playing heads-up against the dealer. The game is played with a single deck of 52 cards and features a jackpot. Their current Jackpot totals for Progressive Poker Jackpot are for $7.50 jackpot amount: $97,563
for $5 jackpot amount: $70,096 and for $2.50 jackpot amount: $39,105. The previous Crown Perth record was set in September 2016 when $2.7 million was won, also thanks to a royal flush. According to Crown Perth chief operating officer Lonnie Bossi celebrations hadn’t stopped for the winner. Lonnie added that this is Australia’s biggest ever jackpot won on the tables and it was so excited to see that go off here.